Discover more about your loved ones by sending their palm prints.
Let your palms reveal the true you to yourself. You will benefit!
Use a normal stamp pad, applying ink to sections of your hand, or buy a large stamp pad from office supply store. Use black, red or blue ink (for children use non toxic ink). Apply the ink evenly on the stamp pad, (dont put too much ink on the pad). Then press the hand on the stamp pad. Start pressing from the tips of the fingers to an inch or so beyond the wrist on the stamp pad. Make sure that the plastic box of the stamp pad does not touch the palm, because it can create extra marks, or lines in the palm. Then put several pages of white paper on a clean flat table. Press the palm on the paper firmly (press the hand with the other hand). Do not move the hand when you are pressing on the paper, because it will smear the lines of the hand. If the print is too dark on the page and the lines are not shown clearly, press the same hand on different white paper without re-using the pad. Sometime the second print is much better than the first one. I need the palm prints of both hands. For better reading, please send 8 to 10 copies of each palm. Please print your thumb separately on the corner of each page as well. Wash your hands with ink remover.
** Note For Hollow Palms
Some palms are hollow, so the 1st set of palm prints will have white areas. Send this set to me as well. You will then make a 2nd set of prints. Put several Kleenexes under several papers. Then press your palm and this time all the lines will be printed. Make 8 to 10 prints of each palm. Send them along with the 1st set that has some white areas to me.
Please include following information:
Date of Birth:
Telephone Number:
Right and left hand palm print of each person
Whether the person is Right handed or Left handed
On the envelope please write: "DO NOT BEND "
Mail registered or certified please.
After receiving the palm prints, I will read the prints of each
person and I can E-mail, fax or mail the result certified to you.
Just write how would you like to receive it.
Please enclose:
$ 85.00 (US Dollers) Money Order or Cashiers Check